agitating for transformation: up, down, and all around
Areas of Practice
Using storytelling to dig deep, my writing focuses on meeting our modern moment. From braided essays to interviews, profiles, creative nonfiction, and book reviews, each project I work on is somehow rooted in the context of our environmental catastrophe. Art stretches our moral imaginations and inspires transformation; my writing is an attempt to channel this power in service of a more just future.
Editing & translation
With over a decade of editing experience, I offer my professional services for academic and creative works. Additionally, German fluency allows me to offer translation of German texts into English.
Audio explorations
Some stories are best told out loud; for this reason I also offer audio services. Whether it’s conceptualizing a project, executing it, or editing already existent work, my skills and experience are an asset for all things audio.
Agitation on all levels is essential to build a just and sustainable world. It is neither enough to wait for politicians nor to retreat into a world defined purely by individual actions. Traditional activism, taking to the streets, continues to be an indispensible show of presence and solidarity with what you care about most. Got an idea for a new action form, or want to link up with what’s already happening? I can help.
Philosophical counseling
In ancient times, philosophy was truly a life science. For far too long relegated to academia, philosophical pursuits are a way of deeply engaging with your life and the world around you. How do we make meaning of our modern crises? What is my role in the world? How can I live a life I feel proud of and inspired by? For thousands of years, these questions have guided the cultivation of wisdom and critical thinking models capable of transforming your life. Combing my experience as a philosopher (B.A.) and outdoor educator, I offer philosophical counseling during forest strolls in all weather.
Cartography & GIS for a cause
For some time, I used maps only as a tool for planning and undertaking backcountry exploration. These days, having completed a GIS certificate alongside my Environmental Science & Policy masters, I am also a mapmaker and spatial analyst. Through diverse work for environmental nonprofits, universities, and institutes, I have come to appreciate the potential of a seemingly simple map to tell its own story. What makes it onto a map? How is information displayed? Who has a say? By engaging with these questions, a map can bridge quantitative and qualitative ways of knowing to illuminate concrete challenges and their possible solutions.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga means union. Rather than a trendy way of staying fit, the asanas (physical postures) of yoga are one of eight yogic “limbs” aimed at bringing together the body and mind. Traditionally a meditative practice, yoga can be a grounding and inspiring way to stay whole and clear-minded in our troubled times. I draw from hatha and zen traditions to offer private yoga and meditation lessons to support inner and outer transformation.